Does caraway repel peach aphids: an article
The peach aphid (Myzus persicae) has posed a constant challenge to the vitality of economically significant crops. Over recent decades, this pest has developed resistance to various chemical pesticides, necessitating the exploration of alternative, environmentally friendly pest management solutions. One direction to explore is plant essential oils, which have been under scrutiny for their potential efficacy against these resilient pests.
In a recent study, researchers delved into the efficacy of caraway (Carum carvi L.) seed essential oils as a potential repellent against the green peach aphid. The study, conducted using a bridge method and white cabbage as host plants, aimed to assess the repellent properties of three different types of caraway essential oils against these aphids.
Peach aphid (Myzus persicae). Photo IES.
The analysis revealed promising outcomes. Each of the selected caraway essential oils exhibited varying degrees of repellence against the aphids, signifying their potential as a deterrent. Notably, the essential oil with the highest concentration of D-limonene, a key component, demonstrated the most substantial repellent effect, showcasing a Repellency Index of +41%. This effect remained stable for a considerable duration, extending up to 330 minutes.
However, incorporating various surfactants in the formulation resulted in a setback, dampening the repellent effect during the testing period and exposing the complexity of crafting a viable, effective formulation.
Despite this challenge, the study offers a beacon of hope in the realm of organic pest management. Caraway essential oil emerges as a potential tool in combating green peach aphids, albeit with the need for further research and refinement to formulate it into a practical, market-ready product.
Read more in the article “In Vivo Bioassay of the Repellent Activity of Caraway Essential Oil against Green Peach Aphid”, published on MDPI “Insects” Special Issue “New Formulations of Natural Substances against Insect Pests”!
The research is a part of the project “Essential oil distillation
waste streams as a potential source of sustainable plant-based repellent
products” (No. Nr. It is developed as a part of the
European Regional Development Fund programme measure “Support
for applied research” and specific objective 1.1.1 “Improve research and
innovation capacity and the ability of Latvian research institutions to
attract external funding, by investing in human capital and